Friday, April 22, 2011

Power of Prayer

It seems everyday my prayer list grows. I am sure I forget to pray for some of the prayer requests. Sometimes I pray for people I dont know and never follow up to see how the prayer was answered. I bought a Prayer journal awhile ago when I started a journal I write in to Tressel. It has a section to write the prayer request and then it has a section you can write how God answered the prayer. It is a
If you have a prayer request please let me know. I'd love to pray and then follow up to see how God is working in others. The power of prayer is a powerful force. Don't be afraid to ask people to pray for your needs. I'd like to ask you to pray for Scott and I as we have an emotional week coming up. And pray for Gumdrop to be healthy as we have another ultrasound this week.  If you have any prayer requests you can leave them on my Facebook Wall or message me. I also challenge you to keep a list too. Plus it helps as my mind grows older. :)  Happy Easter!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Why? Why did I decide to write a blog? Well I want to make a difference. And maybe some of the struggles I've been through in my life can help someone else. I read several blogs and they are so inspiring and encouraging. And God has placed so many inspiring people in our lives in the past couple years, I would love to share some of what we have learned in our journey. God continues to place people in our lives that inspire us. Everything is part of God's plan. As I reflect on our recent journey I have seen God's plan take place. Who knew that a couple in our HomeGroup at church who has experienced a loss of a baby would help us as we lost ours. Then we have become friends with a couple who recently lost their baby. And now they are inspiring us and many around the world. It's a chain reaction which is of course is in God's plan. We come from a fallen world so our struggles are far from over but I have Faith that God will never leave us and I pray we will be able to encourage others through the storms and the calm waters.  
With Love,
~Scott, Emilie, <3Tressel<3, & Gumdrop~